8 Aug 2013

BYS Velvet Nails

BYS Velvet Nails

I received this BYS Nail velvet set* from FashionAddict (here) in the shade Berry Basket! So first of all I have never tried anything that resembled 'velvet' for nails so I thought I would give it a go. I am still not sure about the final result but it is always nice to jazz up your nails. The nail set comes with the nail polish itself (which I am in love with the colour), the velvet particles and a little brush to wipe off the excess. 

BYS velvet nails


1. Apply the nail polish and then place your nail in the pot with the velvet particles.

2. Wait for your nails with both the nail polish and velvet particles to dry for approximately 5 minutes.

3. Brush of the excess with the small brush and you are done!

P.S Make sure you do this with a piece of paper underneath because it tends to go everywhere and you can also pop the excess velvet particles back into the pot once you are done, if not use a wet towel or face washer to remove the particles.

BYS velvet nails

BYS velvet nails

This nail polish set is great for initial wow factor but I find that you can only wear it for a maximum of two days. After going about daily activities and washing my hands I found that a lot of the particles washed off or formed little clumps.

BYS Velvet Nails

Let my know what you think!

Morgan xx

* These have been sent to me as PR sample and is my 100% honest opinion.


  1. It's a nice product to try because it looks fun to apply. But I like even tips so I'm not sure about the finish too.

    1. Yes, definitely fun to try! I like even tips as well and I found that after a day or two the velvet particles washed off quite easily and I was left with a really uneven finish! :) xx
